Ken O.

I was referred to Dr. Lewis by EYE OPTIONS . I had gone to them for a routine check-up & to get new glasses . During their testing procedure they discovered cataracts in both of my eyes . They suggested I see Dr. Lewis as soon as possible to get further testing done & to confirm the cataracts & their severity . I was very concerned because I had never had a problem with my eyesight . Upon meeting with Dr. Lewis for the first time , any & all concerns & anxiety WERE GONE. What a great guy … & … an even better eye doctor . He recommended cataract surgery .. but .. said I could hold off for awhile ; that I probably wouldn’t see any significant change in my vision for about six(6) months . In ” exactly ” six(6) months my vision changed . I could no longer look at oncoming car headlights without squinting or turning away . Dr. Lewis performed cataract surgery on both of my eyes … one(1) week apart . I’m not trying to be overly dramatic here … but … the immediate change was UNBELIEVABLE . I couldn’t believe the quality of my sight after one(1) day . It was truly remarkable . I have a number of family & friends who have had cataract surgery & none of them have had the results that I’ve had . Dr. Lewis is absolutely , positively ” THE BEST ” . I couldn’t recommend a finer eye surgeon … or … an all-around nicer guy . His staff is fantastic .. & .. when you make an appointment ” they actually get you in on time ” . Tell me another doctor that does that . My experience with Dr. Lewis & his staff has been ” a real eye opener ” ( no pun intended ) . If you’re looking for quality , service , experience & state-of-the-art technical/medical skills you should definitely check out Dr. Lewis . I guarantee ” you won’t be disappointed ” .